Lean Bulk Cycle

  • anonymous525kk
    Lean Bulk Cycle
    on: 2019-02-19 04:24:30
    Hi, i am looking to run my third cycle and I'm wondering what you recommend for me. I am 6 foot 210 lbs about 15% bf. My first two cycles were basic test e @500mg/week and 30mg dbol for kickstart with adex eod and clomid for pct. What would you recommend? maybe test and anavar? maybe winstrol too? Please help! Thank you
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Lean Bulk Cycle
    on: 2019-02-23 14:47:54

    Is this a cutting cycle? You mentioned var which could go either way. Then winstrol, which would be used for cutting. If you were to do a bulking cycle, I would do exactly what you did for the other 2 cycles plus add in EQ at 300-400mg EW. Running the test and EQ for maybe 12 wks, dbol for first 6. If you want to do a cutting cycle, then yes, test and winstrol would be a great plan. 12 wks of test at 500mg. Then 40-60mg Var or Win for the last 6-8 wks. You could use clen if you wanted to add a fat burner. For either cycle, you want to use adex or arom for estrogen control. More for a cut, less for a bulk