every woman is unique when it comes to steroids. Some will bloat off primo, some will REALLY bloat. Some will not at all. Primo and Var are the two safest compounds for a woman. You can do a lot with them. I know girls who have never used any other steroid and done well even at the higher competitive level. The bloating happens for reasons that can sometimes be different than what men deal with. So she could use a DHT which would leave most men dry, but she will gain some water like she has. I think her safest bet is to lower the dose. And remember the fat loss is from the diet and cardio. The steroid has only a small role in breaking down fat. So if she wants to get leaner, look to the diet and cardio. Another option would be to use a low dose of clen. If she is driving the diet hard, adding clen will take it that much further.