Everyone is unique and there are girls in bikini that are using gear. Many of them are using gear just because they think the other girls are. This may go against the grain here since this is part of what is probably the single best source sites there is, but flat out, I have not used steroids or pharma anti estrogens with my bikini girls and I’ve taken females from never having competed, to state level, then national then pro. I can name several pros, including top finishers who have never used steroids to get on stage. Girls I am close personal friends with that I’d consider close friends that have no reason to lie. Thats not saying that you cant. Its not saying that some girls might not get benefit from it to keep up with more genetically gifted girls but really, look at the amount of muscle they carry. If anything, many of them can use less. Its all about the frame. You either have that or you don't. You can improve and bring things out but its all about structure and drugs cant change that. I use clen with my bikini girls, Yohimbine. Maybe some natural over the counter compounds like DIM for estrogen management. Also, I want to note that when it comes to drugs, nolvadex is the first line of anti e to use with a girl. Then an Ai later. Even for figure, I would opt for nolvadex. Adex more so with WPD, not that it cant be used. But really, you need to be so careful with estrogen control in bikini. You dont want her to be too hard. They want to see condition but no grain, no striations no veins. She’ll get marked down for being too hard. So if I “had” to use drugs for bikini, clen for sure. Anavar at 5mg only. I would go with geneza. 10mg tops if she responds well. The rest is about having enough time and figuring our her body to get her into the shape she needs to be. Good luck brother! Coaching your SO can be tricky in itslf but thats a whole other conversation haha