Yes sir, this looks fine. I don't see a problem with running the tren longer if you wanted to start it in week 5. That way you would just switch from drol to tren. You don't need to do that but it would be an option. Also note that whenever we outline cycles, like this, leave yourself room to change it. If you find the drol is killing appetite for instance, don't be afraid to stop using it sooner. If you do use the tren for 12 wks and feel like its going well, you could up the dose a little, say in the last month, maybe 70mg for example. And the same is very true for your Ai. Adjust that as it is needed to control estrogen. Listen to your body and adjust as you go and remember what your end goals are. The drugs can do a lot to help with those goals. They can also compromise them. So stay open minded and listen to yourself