Sustanon Dbol EQ Tren En Cycle

  • Mikegetsripped
    Sustanon Dbol EQ Tren En Cycle
    on: 2019-03-15 23:32:10
    Any suggestions on the best cycle set for an extended 16 week cycle would be awesome. I’ve scoured the Q&A section and have found similar combos but not for 16 week. You have been an incredible source of reliable info and I appreciate any of your Input. First off I am 46 190 lbs about 6 cycles under my belt in 10 years. New to Tren E but have cycled kit based fina back 15 years or so.For my cycle I’m thinking week 1-16 525 - 700 Dragon Sus 350 in 2 doses/weekWeek 1-16 400 EQ in two doses/weekWeek 1-6 40mg Dbol dailyWeek 6-16 Tren En 200-400 in two does/weekWeek 1-16 Anastroloze .5 -1mg eodEnd resume HRT at 200mg / week test cypI’m confused on wether I should add the 10 weeks of Tren in the beginning or to finish with it. Does the weekly amounts look good? I have a generous amount of each to adjust if need. Thank you bro for your advise
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Sustanon Dbol EQ Tren En Cycle
    on: 2019-03-29 10:23:59

    What you are considering is fine. That would be a good plan. I would run the tren for the last 10-12 wks if you do that. My suggestion would be a little different though. Test 700, EQ 400-500mg, depending on your response. Both of these for 16 wks. Then NPP at about 300mg EW for the first 8 wks. Then swap that out for tren ace for the last 8 wks, starting after you stop the NPP. This way you have a couple powerhouse long acting compounds in the background while you have some fast acting compounds that will get in and make changes more rapidly. You could start the whole thing with a little dbol if you wanted, or leave that out.