Test E and arimidex cycle

  • anonymous
    Test E and arimidex cycle
    on: 2019-03-16 21:18:59
    I have done few cycles before this would be my 3rd one. I’m 26 200 pounds 5’8” 12 % bf My question was, is it an okay cycle or should I add anything else to it. I’m planning on lean mass and add some more strength nothing crazy not trying to compete or anything. Still an amateur at this. I’m planning on doing 500 mg test e per week and 0.5 arimidex every other day for about 4 months. Pct would be hcg 1500 IUs 3xweek mon wed friday and at the same time clomid at 100 mg ED and stop hcg and continue 50 mg with clomid for another 3 weeks. Thanks a lot for any help.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Test E and arimidex cycle
    on: 2019-03-29 10:22:08

    I didn't see your dosing of test but 500mg would be an average level per week. I would break that into 2 shots a week. You could add an oral, sure. Dbol would be the cheapest and wold give you a great added water and strength gain. About 30mg ED split into 3 doses for the first 6 wks. You could use a different oral though, Var and Tbol both come to mind. With HCG, you can not start to recover until you are off of it. So I would run it before your PCT starts. Often times, 250-500 iu taken about 2x wk through the cycle would be a good plan to consider