Hey brother, I would suggest going another route than tren for your second cycle. You can get a lot out of a little. I can tell you that after doing gear for a long time, lower doses and moderate compounds don't work for me as well as they used to. Right now you will get crazy positive results off of lower dosing and milder compounds. Then as needed, work up to the stronger drugs. So for starters, if you were to run 500mg test for your next cycle only, you would probably do fine with nothing else. But if you wanted to add another compound in, you can make your decisions based off your goals. I assume you want to primarily add muscle? In this case, a cycle of 12 wks with 500mg test along with something like anavar at 50mg ED for the first 8 wks would be an excellent addition. You could use dbol or Tbol for the first 6 wks instead of var. Then yes, Clomid for PCT is a fine idea. 100mg ED for 7 days, then 50mg ED for 2-3 more weeks