I would suggest using just one oral at a time. If you wanted to combine them, I’ve seen good results using less of each compound. For instance I have seen great results with 25 winstrol combined with 25 anavar. It’s a cool combo. Also seen some interesting stuff with 30 Dbol for 6 wks and 50 Drol for the first 6 wks. But all of that said, why not add another injectable? I’m not fast to suggest tren to people but you’ve run 3 cycles now. With your goal of strength, a small dose of tren could do a ton. My thought would be stick with your 500mg Sust, split into 125mg EOD along with 50mg Tren Ace. This is a pretty moderate dose of tren but believe me. It will show results in your strength and performance. Add to that one of your orals and you will have a great cycle, working from a number of different angles. If you’d prefer to leave the tren out, EQ at 400mg would be another option. It would give you a good red blood increase(all steroids do but EQ does especially), which makes for noticeable improvements in endurance. Deca is great for strength but it also can be hard to recover from. Thats the reason I didn’t bring it up. NPP, Deca’s fast acting version, would be easier to recover from, if you’d prefer to throw in 200-300mg of that instead of tren. Just food for thought. I would look into one of these injectable compounds to add in before considering stacking the orals up