Ok so heads up, if you do a search on nolvadex and tren, you’ll find that this combo can make your gyno even more irritated. I’ve never seen it happen but it’s possible. As far as the gyno goes, I’m sorry to hear this. Gulf ball sized gyno is quite developed. And yes sir, now that you have it, you will be more sensitive to irritation from not only high estrogen, but flux in hormones in general. Honestly, it would be a good idea to have it looked at by a Dr. If you’re uncomfortable telling him you got it from gear, understand that gyno can happen naturally too. Having it cut out is the only way to get rid of this now. If you do cycle while still having it, you will need to be extra careful. A lot of guys who have gotten gyno will leave out steroids that have a high conversion to estrogen. So something like Dbol would be a no go. The good news is, you can control estrogen through picking your compounds and using Ai’s. So test as your base with arimidex to keep estrogen modulated. I would start higher with the adex and then lower the dose a little at a time to see what you can tolerate. If you feel any sensitivity as you lower, just ramp back up and you’ll catch it before you have an issue. So if you use 500mg test, I would start with about 1mg adex. Make sure you get a good brand, like the high quality tabs offered here at Naps. Don't mess around with research chems. Those things are often poorly dosed and dont work well. I’ve seen nightmares, believe me! You can run these doses for 12 wks. This in itself would give you some incredible gains but you could add something more. Good lower conversion options might be 50mg Tbol or Anavar. You could use one of those in this cycle for the first 6-8 wks. And then set yourself up with a solid PCT of Clomid after and have enough adex to keep a small amount in to better control estrogen after the cycle. And the biggest key of all of this. These steroids can do some mind blowing stuff to your physique. The limitations in this cycle will only be in how much you can eat, how hard you can train and how fast you can recover. If you can get these 3 elements nailed, you will be able to catch up with your buddy and maybe pass him up haha