I would start by getting your testosterone levels checked before the cycle. For a first cycle, you can do very well with a simple plan. The one I suggest here is 500mg test Cyp or Test E, split into 2 shots every week. With Arimidex at .5mg EOD to start. You can adjust that down or up as needed. You will want to understand what estrogen does and how to combat it with the adex to get the most out of your cycle and stay safe. This is a 10 wk plan, then 2 wks after your last shot,start Clomid at 100mg ED for 7 days. Then 50mg ED for 14-21 more days. Then take off 8 wks before testing to make sure your test levels are back to normal. Then if you want to do another one, come back here and I would be happy to help explain what to do for cycle 2.