acne/stable levels/test

  • anonymous520
    acne/stable levels/test
    on: 2013-11-08 18:59:24
    Hi there,I'm 25, quite lean, lifting since 18.I've been pondering already since a long time about the notion of taking steroids and would've if it wasn't for my bad skin. Now I've fairly clean skin since some years and the thought came up again. On top of that I'm actually wondering if I would even benefit from stable test levels. I'm not thinking of crazy cycles but a simple "one-compound test-wholelive-cycle"(sth. like 250 mg/week). Maybe you have some experiences with guys who had acne and tried that already and it was their worst plan ever. And maybe you can cure me of the thought of taking steroids and I can put that idea ad acta. Thank you in advance.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: acne/stable levels/test
    on: 2013-11-11 01:36:57

    I wouldn't take test as a way to maintain a balanced level of hormone and therefore hopefully avoid acne in the future. It sounds like your levels have naturally stablized, which is common, given your age. If you decide to run a cycle, theres a good chance that you'll be prone to getting acne. If it becomes a problem, I would strongly consider using accutane. This medication is truely a "cure" for acne and although its an intense medication, in the long run, would be a lot better than running test for the rest of your life at 25 yrs old, only to avoid acne.