You bring up some interesting stuff here that I think gets glossed over a lot of times by guys what are running gear. I would expect your kidney function to "appear" stressed, if you are a bodybuilder with any reasonable amount of muscle. They are measuring the amount of muscle that is passing through the kidneys. This test is based off of the readings that normal people should have. On or off gear, a bodybuilder does not fit into the catagory of normal. Your readings are always going to be highly elevated. The opposite may apply to a little old lady who doesn't have much muscle. For her, testing out as "normal" may be high. The key is to see how consistent your levels are. If they were high on the first test, but much higher than that on the second test, you may have reason to be concerned, but if they stay consistent, there is a chance that this is "normal" for you. I'm not a dr though and I havent seen your labs, so i dont know exactly how high we are talking here.
As for the low HDL, this is normal on gear, especially on orals. Make sure you are eating healthy, taking fish oil and getting a good amount of fiber. I would switch to grass fed beef and grass fed butter. I would use free range omega eggs. Not only will these things help keep your heart healthy, they will help your gains. About 6 wks after the cycle, get yourself tested again and see where you're at. A lot of times, guys just look at test levels to determine if they have recovered from a cycle, but getting your cholesterol back to normal is very important.
You may want to look around for a Dr who understands athletes and our needs as bodybuilders. Oh, and it wouldn't hurt to get an EKG, to take a look for any left ventricle enlargment. Dont be freaked out if they find that it has enlarged a little. The heart is a muscle and it's very common for athletes using or clean, but it is something you want to keep an eye on