Dbol is a great drug for kick starting a cycle. It is very strong, and IMO it is often over dosed my new users I see on the internet. The first steroid I ever used was dbol, back in the day and I gained 20 lbs on 15 mg ED for 4 wks. (This is before I knew to use test as my base). I see guys doing 50mg on their first cycles now days! lol. There is no need for that. I'd suggest about 25mg for the first 6 wks of your cycle. That'll be more than enough, especially when you consider that you're using it conjunction with another steroid. I would split the dose into 2 to 3 times a day because the half life is short. If you're look for a good brand, I'd suggest Geneza. They make one of the best dbols I've ever used. My other favorite brand is naposim.
The turnover to estrogen is very high with dbnol, so be aware of that. You may need a little more adex during that portion of your cycle. Just dont over do it because you don't want to make your estrogen too low. Dbol is great for holding extra fluid and getting strength, quickly, but lowering your estrogen by too much may get in the way. So, start out with your .5mg E 3D as you outlined above, and if you feel any signs up gyno, up the AI.
Remember that PCT starts 2 wks after your last injection.