If you haven't run EQ, you may find it interesting. It wont give you as much bloat as deca. Its great for lean gain cycles and transformation type cycles. It sounds like thats the direction you want to go into. EQ usually isnt considered to be as strong as deca, but you can do very well with it. Its one of my favorite compounds. I would consider extending the cycle a little since it takes EQ a long time to kick in and will slowly continue to work through the entire length of the cycle. 5 to 600mg for 16 wks is what I'd suggest.
As for estrogen control, everyone responds differently to estrogen. It sounds like you are one that is more prone to issues. I'd start out with .5mg adex 2x a wk and see how you respond. If you feel your gyno is getting bothered, you have room to up the dose. I would try to keep it no higher than .5mg EOD. But if you need more, so be it.