long cycle need help coming off

  • Nick
    long cycle need help coming off
    on: 2013-05-22 07:58:25
    Hi I have been on a long cycle for about six months now is guess with test and tren. Due to exegent circumstances I kind of lost track and never went into PCT. I'm afraid of losing all libido as I just got with a new girl and was hoping you could give me some advice on how to handle this in the best way possible I am afraid of shutting down permanently.. I will order wtvr compounds needed. Btw I am 21 and have been cycling since before 18. Stupid I know.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: long cycle need help coming off
    on: 2013-05-25 04:54:28

    hey bro, this is all too common, as the alure of being super human makes it hard to end a cycle. you're doing the smart thing. at your age, you should be able to retain normal function, but there is no way around it...this is going to take time and patience. girls will come and go, but this is your body we're taking about. your long term ability to preform in bed...possibly your ability to have children, if you ever decide to go that route. things may get uncomfortable for a little while but in the long run you will be happy. you might consider telling your girl whats going on. all too often, if the sex gets less than great, the first thing that think is that it has to do with them. that they aren't pretty. that you aren't attracted to them.

    i would order 10,000iu of HCG, aromisin, clomid, nolvadex and cialis.

    for starters, i would lower your test as low as you can go. start off at 200mg every wk, split into 2 injections. 100 mon and 100 thurs. at the same time, i would start taking 250iu hcg, every 3 days. stay on your AI for the time. aromisin is ideal. 12.5mg ED to EOD. then after a couple wks, lower test to 100mg EW, 50mg mon, 50 thursday. stay on the hcg and AI. after that, cut out the test and begin nolvadex at 20mg ED, hcg 250iu every 3 days, and arom 12.5 ED. i would do that for about 2 wks. in the next wk, i would keep the nolvadex the same and the arom the same, but up the HCG to 3x a wk at 1000iu. 3 days after your last HCG shot, i would begin clomid at 100mg ED and nolva at 20mg, arom at 12.5mg. this is your first real week of PCT. in week 2 and 3 of PCT, 50mg clomid, 20mg nolva, 12.5 arom. in week 4, i would cut the clomid to 25mg ED, nolva 20mg, arom 12.5mg. from there, i would cut the clomid out all together for the following wk, now only running 20mg nolva, 12.5 arom,  then in the next wk, i would cut the nolva to 10mg and reduce the arom to 12.5 EOD. continue on this for 10 days and after that, i would discontinue nolva and run arom for an additional wk at 12.5 every 3 days.

    you may feel a crash. this will be common and expected. give it a couple of wks. if you aren't beinging to recover after that time,