Yes, GH is great for maintaining gains and it doens't effect the HPTA, the way steroids do. The thing is, gh is a commitment. You aren't just going to use it for a few wks after your cycle. It's something you want to stay on as long as possible, year round, if you can afford it. If you have the means to make this happen, it will certainly help. The key is to make sure you are using good gh. If you can afford it, I'd go with something like hyge's. Generics can work well too, if you trust your source. Im sure that the ones Naps has are good, as he puts a lot of thought into what he carries. Still, the Hyge's are going to be better.
Another, shorter term option, is to use IGF aftrer your cycle, You can use that for shorr periods. The pumps are great, which is nice, when you start to feel deflated after you come off gear. I've used it in PCT a number of times and it's always helped physically as well as with morale. If you can combine it with GH, you're doing even better ;)