Side effects are very dose related when it comes to gear. The best way to play it safe...and the suggestion I'd make to anyone wanting to to use the least amount that will evoke a solid response. You don't need much, especially if you are new to gear. I have mentioned before that I recently helped a guy in his late 20's, who ran his first cycle and gained 25 lbs, keeping 12-15 lbs after several months off. He only used 1cc of test per wk and nothing else. If you nose around the Q/A, you'll see all sorts of guys who are proposing 2, 3, even 4 compounds for their first cycle. I'd say this is crazy, but they just don't know any better. People tend to think, if 1 is good, then 4 must be great! There is no need for all that. The gains aren't going to be any better and the risks go way up. I have nothing against using 3-4 steroids at a time, if someone is experienced and knows how each of those steroids work in their body, but going in blind, having never even taken test, is scarey to think about. But I digress.
I'd suggest 1cc test e for 10 wks. then 2 wks after your last shot, start PCT of nolvadex 40mg ED for 1 wk, followed but 2 more wks of 20mg ED. If you use HCG at 250iu 2x wk, through the cycle, it'll help to recover faster. Although your test dose is very low, it wont hurt to use .5mg adex 1x wk on cycle