If added size were not an issue, I would suggest anadrol. It is hands down, the single best strength compound I've used, but it will add some weight to your frame. Next in line would be halo. Halo is great and won't add any fluid to your frame. Before you jump on board though, consider this. Its very toxic and isn't ideal for using over long periods of time. 3 wks is pretty standard. If you are planning to run your gear into a meet, using 20mg ED for the last 3 wks will make a difference. If you goal is to do a longer cycle, working on your strength over time, this won't be ideal, but I did want to let you know about it for future use.
EQ is a great compound for bodybuilding and for endurance, but it isnt on the list of things I'd lean toward for strength. I'd look more in the direction of tren or anavar. Two very different drugs. Tren can be pretty intense and cause some pretty bad sides. If you want to use it, look into it and learn as much as you can. I'd go with 75mg EOD. You can use it with prop if water weight is an issue. If you dont want to deal with the potential pain of prop, test e, cyp or sust is fine too.
Anavar would give less sides and it is great for strength. Fluid retention will be very low. 50mg for 8 wks total with some test would work well.
so here are the options I'm taking about
either tren ace at 75mg EOD
anavar 50mg ED oral
PCT would start 2 wks after your last inject