Looks good. I would start PCT 2 wks after your last injection. I don't believe you need both nolva and clomid for PCT. At a certain point, you'll end up having more side effects. Remember, these PCT meds carry side effects too, and they aren't that fun. I feel awful on clomid, so I use nolvadex.
As for the adex and estrogeon control, thats where things get a little trickier. Everyone responds differently to the aromatase enzyme so you'll have to see how it effects you at this dose of test (Remember that in the future, you may need more adex if you use more test). I would start with .5mg 2x wk and see how you look and feel. If you start having estrogen related sides, I'd turn it up. For most people, you should still be able to make gains and not suffer from low estogen up to .5mg EOD. Higher than that and I see people having issues.