Var, Clen, & PCT

  • twc1967
    Var, Clen, & PCT
    on: 2013-12-23 00:33:30
    Sir, I'm 46 yrs old, 6'0", 185 lbs. with normal test levels. Never taken steroids before. Don't really want or need to put on size but would like to increase strength & get rid of the excess fat around the middle that diet & exercise aren't taking care of. Am thinking of doing a 6 week cycle of anavar, 50 mg ED. Would also like to run Clen at the same time. Thoughts/suggestions? Also, can you recommend an appropriate PCT?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Var, Clen, & PCT
    on: 2013-12-27 02:05:12

    Good, I'm glad you got your labs done. Now you will have a good base line to know when you are "recovered" after your cycle. Just keep in mind that, IME, older guys can have a harder time recovering than younger guys, as you may have assumed. Running a short cycle, like you're suggesting, will have less impact and won't shut you down as hard. 

    The clen will help to burn more fat, but be aware that steroids are not great at burning fat. There is a chance it'll help with fat loss. For the most part though, it'll help with maintaining muscle while you lower the cals far enough to lose the fat you have left. Steroids will help you to get stronger and maintain strength while dieting. The only drawback I see to your outline is that 6 wks isn't a lot of time to make a big change. With out without gear, you want to take your time dieting, slowly pealing the fat off while holding onto your muscle. If you cut the cals too low, too quickly, you will risk muscle loss, on or off of gear. If you only want to cycle for 6 wks, I would start dieting a month ahead, or more. Get your diet in order, and begin tightening up with just nutrition and cardio. Then after you have make some progress, add in your clen and anavar. 

    You can begin PCT the day after your last tab of clen. For one wk, use nolvadex at 40mg ED, followed by 2 more wks of20mg ED. I would suggest easing up on the diet a little in PCT, adding in a little more food back in, to avoid losing muscle while you regain your natural production.