the 19 nor's seem very hard to recover from for many guys, including myself. if you still have a hard time getting back to normal after this cycle, you might want to think about not using them in the future.
from the first week, i would add some HCG into your cycles, especially when using a 19-nor like deca. from week 1, i would suggest using 250iu, every 3 days. continue on this right up to 3 days before you start your PCT. i would also use an AI to control estrgen, ran directly into PCT. i like arom. during PCT, i would take 12.5mg ED.
just one more thought, if you've been training for 20 years, i'm going to assume you're at least in your mid 30's. of course, as we get older, it can get harder to recover. if you haven't started your cycle yet, you should go in and get your labs done to see where your test levels are naturally. i wouldn't be shocked if you are on the low end. if you qualify for HRT, you can go directly into your HRT dose of test cyp after your cycle and not have to worry about runnning PCT. just make sure you follow your labs closely, especailly watching cholesterol and RBC