Thanks, bro. Happy new year to you too. In the future, I would make sure that you have enough of a given compound before you start, to ensure that you can run it for it's full length. With EQ, I notice it's effect within a short time, but it isn't until 6 plus wks that I really start to notice a good increase in size. This was not great timing to run out. I would get back on it ASAP. If you miss a couple of wks, thats ok. If you miss 5 or more wks, I feel like you'd be pretty much starting over. Ideally, I would run EQ for 16 wks straight. At this point, if you can, I would start running it again and stay on for another 8 wks. If this ends up stretching out further, I would consider switching compounds, if you have anything else on hand. Something fast acting would work well, tren or NPP and continue on for another 8 wks using test and the fast acting injectable. If this isn't an option, you can continue on with just your test alone. If you are only going to run test, I might just take it up to wk 12, then come off, run your PCT and begin planning for your next run, making sure you get everything you need ahead of time.