HGH dosage for BF lose

  • Bulldog
    HGH dosage for BF lose
    on: 2014-01-30 14:10:46
    My wife is about to start taking the yellow tops. What it the daily dosage recommended to get the best bf lose results? How long should she maintain that dosage?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: HGH dosage for BF lose
    on: 2014-02-03 00:25:20

    I would start her out on 1iu, taken IM, first thing in the AM. See how she responds. If she wants to work her way up to 2iu, that should be a good range for fat loss in a female. I would run it for at least 4 months..thats the minimum time. 6 months would be better. Running hGH for life, would be ideal!