Correct cycle

  • anonymous354
    Correct cycle
    on: 2013-06-14 21:05:57
    Hey Bro,

    Firstly, I want to say thank you for sharing your insight and time to all our questions (especially the redundant questions).

    It's been two years since I slapped the iron around due to a motorcycle accident. Nothing major barring right shoulder bursitis and minor tendinitis.

    Anyways, I look like a friggen mess and ready to return to gear & iron. I am 42, 5'8", 177 with 18% BF on a good day!

    I got lab work done on 10/1/12. My RBC is at 5.41 and in range, all organs running like a 454 big block, however my Cholesterol is up at 244 (HDL is 58, LDL is 155 and Triglycerides are 67). I ceased the fried sushi and ice cream (Pinkberry), which spiked it. I am now eating clean, etc. My total/free testosterone is 712 (not bad for 42).

    Should I run HGH at 4IU a day for 5/day week for 7 months with Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks (throw some clen in too) or just run Test E like above for 12 weeks (kick start w/Dbol for first 4 weeks start with Anavar and clen at week 5-12?

    Goal: 190 with 10% BF.

    Any direction or scolding is appreciated :)



    PS. About eight cycles completed over the last 23 years.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Correct cycle
    on: 2013-06-17 05:02:47

    thats a good test level for your age. you're a lucky guy! your cholesterol doesnt look back but in an interst of avoiding issues while on gear, i would start out by adding 4-6 g fish oil ED. you can split it up into 3 doses with meals. i would also begin taking a daily sugar free fiber supp. start using grass fed butter, EVOO and mac oil. 


    as for your cycle, you're an adult with previous AAS experice who seems interested in keeping his health in check, so i see nothing wrong with going on gear. i would first give yourself some time, say at least a couple of months in the gym, training steroid free to get your body readjusted and used to the weight again. with your test levels, you should be able to throw on some decent muscle without using any gear. use this time to get yourself used to the diet and the day to day. at your age, theres a good chance that you will benefit from using some GH...more than a younger guy. 4IU of a high quality gh will help you with fat loss, improved recovery, as well as probably imporve your overall quality of life. i could see starting your gh from day one of your training and after a couple of months of getting used to training, add in your proposed test cycle. honestly, i dont think it would hurt if you planned to run gh indefinitely. for replacement purposes, you can go as low as 2IU. it will help with your recovery time and your quality of life overall. be aware that although your test levels are good now, i've seen that it seems harder for older guys to recover. longer, heavier cycles can take a toll and it would be a shame to see someone like yourself with good natural levels, develop a problem, so keep the doses sensible, as you outlined above and make sure you follow it up with a good PCT. you may want to consider using a low dose of HCG while on cycle, say 250 to 500iu, 2x wk. 


    the only thing i dont like about your cycle is the back to back orals. orals can mess up cholesterol quickly and they also are more taxing on the organs. i would pick one or the other. honestly, for your purposes, i could see not using the dbol, and instead using the anavar at 50mg for the first 6-8 wks of your 12 wk cycle. also, you can run the clen longer if you decide. if you keep the food clean, you should be able to shed fat while gaining muscle through the entire program, considering your current level of development