Not a dumb question at all. I happen to be very vascular. Some guys are. Some aren't. Unfortunately, for me, vascularity isn't part of the judging criteria. Having veins can be a sign of good conditioning, but if you had to have good veins to win, Cutler would have never won a show ;) Anyway, I'm a little off topic there. When it comes to injecting a vascular body part, I go out of my way, to pin between the veins, no joke. A good example for me, is my lats. I always have to dodge a few bigger veins, expecially on my right side. If you did happen to clip one, there probably wouldn't be any harm. You have to figure that the needle is traveling much further into the muscle before you start pushing the oil in. There is a whole network of veins through any muscle, and there is a good chance that you have passed through them before without even knowing. As long as you aspirate and don't draw blood into your syringe, you're good to go.