i think you should go back up to however many clean calories you can consume without getting overly fat. just because you dropped the ball with eating clean before, doesnt mean you'll get fat by eating a high calorie diet. the key is to treat your off season with the same vigilance you had over your cutting diet. honestly, you can probably even lower your body fat further while growing, if you keep your food clean and have the right timing for your carbs and fats. if you are still on the cutting diet, introduce the new food slowly over a month to 6 wks. dont just dive in over night. i would try to get that in order before you start your next cycle. it'll take time for your body to adjust. start out with 400g protein as your base and add in your carbs and fats from there. keep the carbs lower glycemic accept after your workout. the low glycemic carbs should keep you from getting highs and lows in your blood sugar and make you less temped to eat junk. then once you go on, you will probably be able to handle even more carbs and fats.
just keep an eye on your physique. use progress pics every 2 wks to compare where you were before. the scale will only give you some very general data. it's good to have as a ref point, but its all in how you look