750mg is a fairly high dose for a first cycle. i would have suggested 350 to 500mg. over time, you'll find it takes more gear to gain mass. over years, you'll slowly up the doses. the thing is, you can only gain so much at once, so you want to use the least amount possible to get the best gains. once you start stacking different steroids, you'll find that they create synergy, evoking a larger effect together than either one would have done on their own. look at drugs like tools. you want to pull them out as you need them, but first you need to learn how to use them. its a bad idea for an inexperineced user to start taking several different steroids when they dont know how each one will effect them. if you were to start a test/tren/drol cycle, and you start experiencing side effects, you may be able to rule the test out, as you have a mild grasp on how that works for you, but you wont know if its the tren or the drol. that'll make it a lot harder to figure out how to fix the issue as each drug can cause problems that require different actions to fix. your best bet is to not use more than 1 new drug per cycle. also, the two drugs you've suggested are not ideal for newer users...espeically tren. it can cause some wicked side effects that can make your cycle a very unpleasent experience. i would save tren for several cycles in and when you feel ready to pull that tool out of the bag, remember than tren ace needs to be injected AT LEAST every other day. it has a short life and once a wk shots will leave you with one big peak, followed by several days of little to no tren in your system. this, in itself, can lead to major side effects. that being said, tren ace is a much better choice than tren e. tren ace is easier to control, if side effects get out of hand. you can feel relief in a matter of a couple days, but with tren E, it can take wks to start feeling better.
at your size, i believe you can probably be eating a lot more. make sure you're getting at least 300g protein a day, most from solid foods. i bet if you keep the carbs clean, you can eat several hundred and 150g fat. it'll take seeing how you respond though to figure out the number of carbs you need to grow while not getting overly fat in the process. remember that the main limiting factor in your gains is going to come from the amount of food you eat. there is no magic cycle combo that will make you gain if you aren't eating.
so heres what i would suggest. you honestly could fix your diet and make great gains on 500mg EW of test, but i understand you want to do more than just that. i would add in dbol. it is a much easier to use than drol. you may find a little less water retention, but at your stage, i'm sure you will be able to gain the same amount of muscle. and if you weren't before, i would certainly use a low dose AI to control estrogen and keep more of your test from converting.
5-600mg test cyp or test e EW
adex between .25mg EOD to .5mg EOD. too little wont help but too much will effect your gains. everyone is different, but this is a good range that wont go too far in either direction
dbol 25-30mg ED
if you are on HRT, you do not need to run a PCT. PCT is to help regain natural function for healthy men. since you are on HRT, 2 wks after your last injection, you can just return back to your normal HRT dose.