So if I understand you correctly, you are going to run a PCT once you get your nolvadex. Ok, that sounds like a great plan. I would take 40mg ED for the first wk, and then 2 more wks 20mg. If you find that you can't recover, let me know and we will come up with a more in depth plan, using clomid and HCG. Ideally, you would wait to run your next cycle, after you have recovered from this one. Recovery can take some times. Its not just recovery of test levels, but also, letting your liver values return to normal and let your cholesterol get back to normal. The only way to know how well you have recovered, is to get blood work done. Thats the only way to know for sure. Everyone should do labs, but not everyone does. A "rule of thumb", which isn't always accurate, is time on plus PCT should equal time off. In you're case, you have waited to do PCT so your plan might be a little different. I would wait at least another 6-8 wks after PCT. Understand though, this is just a guess