moving from longer acting esters to a faster ester is very easy. it becomes more complicated when you try to go from shorter to longer. for your situation, i would just start your prop on the first day of wk 11 and go from there. remember that prop must be run at least every other day. the longer esters from the sust will slowly clear as you quickly build your level of prop. another suggestion i would make is to use at least the same mg of prop as you did sust. i mention this because if you simply do 1cc EOD at 100mg, you will only get 400mg E8D. if anything, i would up it just a little bit, possibly going to 600mg of prop for the last 6 wks. this way, i find that over time, a fixed dose becomes less effective. switching to prop is a perfect chance to up the MG and by raising it just a little, i believe your gains may be better. i know its worked for me