im going to assume that your goal with this cycle was to add mass and not for cutting. when i'm bulking, i have a pretty structured diet. i know how much protein i get each day. i have a good figure on my carbs and fats. if i were to come off after a bulk, i would continue doing what i was doing on cycle. keep in mind that once off, your body isnt going to utilize your nutrients as efficiently so if you just start craming food down your throat, there is a good chance you are going to start adding some unwanted lbs. plus, if you're doing it right, you are already eating quite a lot of food on cycle, there isnt a lot of room to start eating more. remember, coming off is when you really need to step up your game. its not an excuse to go ona binge. i would watch how your body responds to the diet you're on. if after PCT, you find that you are starting to store more fat, you may need to lower the carbs a little. whatever you do, keep your protein high