Please evaluate my upcoming stack

  • Duby
    Please evaluate my upcoming stack
    on: 2019-07-26 20:07:00
    I'm 52 years old and fat (17%). Been in the gym all of my life. in 2013 started having surgeries to fix a bunch of mechanical defects (lumbar and cervical spine, rotator cuff to name a few)and got fat. Doctors have said they can't do anything else so I'm getting back in shape. Been on TRT since 2012. My urologist recently added nandrolone to my TRT mix and I can't even believe the help it has been to my joints. Stairs used to hurt a lot but now I'm squatting again. I've made pretty decent strides against the fat just using the Deca and test E together at 100mg each E4D. However, I want to turn up the heat and this is what I plan on doing:GH - 6iu edTest E - 600mg/wk (injecting eod)Tren E - 600mg/wk (injecting eod)Deca - 400mg/wk (injecting eod)Masteron 600mg/wk (injecting eod)anastrozole - 1mg/wkAlso would like to throw in T3 and Clenbuterol but not fully sure on the dosing of those. I also have Kabergoline on hand but not 100% sure I need it on this stack.My Diet is very clean with my macros as follows(using all food):Calories - 1900Protien - 236gnet carbs- 142gfat - 42gfiber - 30gI'm telling everybody, barring injuries, I'll have a six pack by summer of next year but I think it might happen sooner. I've already lost about 7" on my belly since first of june. 4 days a week in the gym. Mon-Push, Tues-Pull, Wed-Legs, Fri-Arms. My brother thinks the stack is overkill, I just want the best edge possible. Let me know what you think.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Please evaluate my upcoming stack
    on: 2019-08-09 17:09:26

    Hey brother, first off, congrats on being a bad ass in your 50’s. Thanks for showing the rest of us that it can be done! Ha. Heres my thought. For you, this is about lifestyle right? You are in this for the long game and you want to keep doing and looking you’re best as long as you can. So instead of pushing a lot all at once, I would look at this in the bigger picture. For instance, instead of 6iu GH for this cycle, how about 3iu long term, as long as you can stay on it, as part of your HRT program. You can get that here at Naps for way cheaper than you can from your Dr and there is some very good stuff. Hyge GH has been tested as good as US Pharma for for a fraction of the price. I promise you that 3iu for a year would do more than blasting it for a cycle. Plus there is only so much fat loss benefit from it. You probably won’t get much more fat loss from it at 6iu. With steroids, you are looking at this like a kid would, blasting hard and fast. Once again, long game. How about Masteron E or the Mast 200 from Geneza. 300mg a week of that with your deca and about 300-400mg test. That would be a killer cycle. Or keep the test at TRT dosing. You’ll get less sides, less prostate concerns etc. It sounds like you are already doing a lot of good things for your physique. Theres no need to push hard and put your body under a lot of stress. You will do better when your body is relaxed and happy. Inflammation will stay lower and you will do well. T3, I would get labs done first. See where your levels are. You may benefit from T3 therapy anyway. If not, in the cycle, I would just use 25 mcg a day to help ensure optimal levels even while dieting hard. Clen, just be careful. I always suggest starting at 20mcg, then increasing by 20 every 2 wks. Less sides this way, for about 10-12 wks at a time, then a break. I know someone that would be a great coach for you if you are interested. Reach out at the Next Level Nutrition page here at Naps if you want me to direct you to him.