Stacking cytomel and clenbuterol.

  • Niko661
    Stacking cytomel and clenbuterol.
    on: 2014-03-04 03:33:44
    What are your general thoughts on this? Is it safe? And if so, how would you suggest dosing/ duration?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Stacking cytomel and clenbuterol.
    on: 2014-03-07 01:11:54

    t3/clen is a great combo for fat loss. I would use clen no longer than 16 wks and t3 no longer than 10. I would start the clen at 40mcg and increase by 20 mcg every 2 wks, going no higher than 120mcg At wk 5, I would start the t3 at 25mcg and increase by 12.5mcg every 2 wks, going no higher than 75mcg.


    At the end of your t3 use, I would reduce by 12.5mcg every few days to taper off,