Aromasin for pct.. Good choice?

  • LuckyNote
    Aromasin for pct.. Good choice?
    on: 2014-03-04 05:18:10
    Some guys say that its a big no no because its not a SERM and does not stimulate The body to go back to its normal. Others say its awesome choice for every pct. Whats your opinion about it?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Aromasin for pct.. Good choice?
    on: 2014-03-07 01:32:03

    I like to use a small amount of AI in PCT, so that estrogen is not only blocked, but it is controlled. Arom is a good bet and ideal for controling estrogen levels in PCT. It isn't going to help switch the HPTA back on, the way a SERM will though. Personally, I have done PCT both ways, and I find that I recover quicker when estrogen isn't through the roof