
  • ray
    on: 2013-07-12 04:14:29
    doing the eastern usa in nov. have halo what is best way to take. heard 4 wks. 20,20,30,then 40 does that sound right. will do last 4 wks of diet.thx.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: general
    on: 2013-07-12 13:43:18

    this is exactly how i would run it. i've tried, 3 wk and 4 wk cycles of halo. i've tried a number of combos. for me, i haven't seemed to get a strong enough effect on 10 mg, so starting at 20mg is ideal. but because halo tends to be the only AAS that can cause aggression and irritation for me, 30 mg is personally a little too much to start with. 20 mg seems to be my sweet spot for the first wk to 2 wks. if you have enough and feel comfortable, you could up it to 30 mg in the second wk of use, going, 20, 30, 30, 40. that is the only potentional change i would make and only if you're feeling ok with it. this is a very strong compound. as i mentioned, it's the only thing that has ever effected my mood. i'm normally a pretty laid back guy and i dont let things get to me, especially when i'm focused on a prep, but this is one point, that i know extra care needs to be taken, and i know i'm not the only one. its hard to say how much of that is due to the halo and how much is due to the stress of the diet. it is probably a combo of both factors, but none the less, it is a reality for me as well as many other guys, so be very vigilant over watching how you respond. taking a drug or starving ourselves on low carbs is never a reason to take our emotions out on the people around us. we have to always take responsibility for our actions and remind outselves that we are doing all of this by choice. 

    i would split halo into 2 doses, starting with 10mg in the AM and 10mg an hour before training. when i move to 30mg, i would take 10mg in the AM and 20mg an hour before training. at 40mg, i would take 20mg in the AM and 20mg before training. for the day of the show, i would take 20 mg upon waking and another 20 to 30mg an hour before you step on stage for prejudging. make sure that in this last 4 wks, you are consuming plenty of water and continue to do so after the contest is over. i would consider getting labs pulled at around 6 wks out to make sure that your organs are healthy and then pull labs again shortly after the show. make sure to use heart protective supps, like fish oil, at least 3g a day. halo, as well as most orals can  wreak havoc on your cholesterol. 

    best of luck at the easterns. hope you do some damage!