athlete performance

  • anonymous570
    athlete performance
    on: 2014-03-11 03:42:37
    hii am 26, 180 pounds, 5 years lifting experience. I am interested in doing my first cycle with the aim to increase athletic performance and gain strength and power for sprinting.i would like a cycle with full PCT to ensure minimal sides effects and maximum hold of gains.please critique and advise as appropriate, I have looked at several different stacks for my purpose and have come to this based on my basic understanding of the appropriate productsWeeks 1-12:- Testosterone Enanthate/sus (9mass9strenght6cut) at 300 – 500mg/week = 500x 12 = 6,000gWeeks 1-6:- (DHT) Anavar(2mass7strenght8cut ) at 30 – 40mg/day = 40x50days = 2.000gweek 6-12(DHT) Deca-Durabolin at 400mg/week (9mass4strenght6cut) 400 x 6 weeks = 2.4g(NAN) winstrol 25md ED(2mass9strenght9cut) 25mg x 7 week= 1.225gPCT 4 –6 weeks Total PCT timeWeeks 1 – 2:- HCG at 1000iu/E2D TOTAL = 7000iu- Aromasin (Exemestane) at 25mg/day=350- Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) at 40mg/day TOTAL 40mgx14= 560Weeks 2 – 6:- Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) at 20mg/day = 560thanks for your time
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: athlete performance
    on: 2014-03-12 01:56:29

    For athletic performance, one key consideration is that you don't want to hold a lot of additional fluid, which will bulk you up, effecting speed and causing pumps/cramps. This is one of those situations where less is more. The doses you are describing are doses for bodybuilding. Your goals and needs are very different. I would start out using gear in your off season, as you will find that, for a time, you become slower. Even with a drug that doesn't make you retain a lot of fluid, your cells will hold more than normal. You will become fuller. You will become stronger, but there is also a chance that you may be slowed down. If this is the case, once you come off, you will speed back up, and hopefully be faster, retaining some of the strength you developed on cycle. It's like 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. This is just the way steroids work. You're never going to retain 100% of your stength. If you find that you can retain 100%, you weren't working to your full potential to begin with. 

    In the media, we always hear about winstrol in sport. Winstrol seems to be a go-to drug for MMA guys now days. I think it all goes back to Ben Johnson getting caught with it in his system. The problem with Winstrol is that it dries the joints out, making connective tissue weak and making you more prone to injury, especially when performing explosive movements like striking in MMA, or in your case, spriting. I would go with anavar. For bodybuilding, 50mg is standard, but for your needs, 20mg would be a good place to start. See how that effects you, and if you are performing well, consider taking it to 30mg. I would split your daily dose into 2x day. Anavar isn't going to add a lot of additional water to your body, but it isn't going to dry your joints out like winstrol. As far as steroids go, it is considered to be mild. The sides aren't bad and it is easier to recover from than most, IME. The strength from anavar can be great. I would suggest you run it for 6 to 8 wks. I would start PCT the day after you finish the anavar. 1 wk of nolvadex at 40mg, then 2 more wks at 20mg. Since var does not aromatize, you will not need to use an AI with it. As for brands, I have seen great results with Geneza Pharm anavar. Because it isn't the cheapest pill to produce, some unscrupulous companies replace anavar with other compounds to save money. I can atest that GP is the real deal.

    So, I would start with this plan. If you want to explore other options after you are done, come back and let me know how you did. We can draw up a stage 2 plan, based off of your experience with this.

    wk 1-6(to 8)

    anavar, starting at 20mg ED, moving to 30 mg is everything goes well.

    PCT starts 1 day after last pills. Nolva 40mg for 1 wk, then 2 wks nolva at 20mg