Cutting down some fat

  • Bora
    Cutting down some fat
    on: 2014-03-23 14:27:04
    hey, first of all - thank you for doing this for us - great job.(excuse me for my bad english, i'm from germany, lol)my stats:6.63 height 330 poundsi already did some cycles before with test en, prop, sustanon, tren, dbol & sdrol but i had to stop because i had big changes in my life (marriage and opened a backery).i went from a good looking tall guy to a fat ass. ok, i'm not that fat but i'm really chubby right now.. comon, i'm fat,, i decided to get back on track with this cycle:test en 500mg - 750mg weektren en 400mg weekclen starting with 20mcg up to 120mcg during the whole cycle.i'm going down with my calories to 3200 and see what you think i could be succesfull with my thoughts and cycle? do you have any tips for me, to get the maximum benefits from the cycle and diet?i really want to be muscular again like a was a few years ago. i need to get rid of this evil fat.thank you very much!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Cutting down some fat
    on: 2014-03-25 03:39:10

    It's hard to say specifically. I would have to see you and see your current diet before you make the changes. I would advise you to make sure that all your food sources are clean and to eat every 2-3 hours. Make sure you are eating enough. Often times, guys cut the cals too low and their metabolism slows down. Its all about the right foods at the right times. Also be sure to continue training hard and moving fast in the gym. Keep your rest periods short between sets. For you or anyone interested, I am offering diet consulting, designing individualized plans that are updated every wk based off of your progress. For anyone interested, pls check it out : Next Level Nutritional Services

    As for your gear, it will work. Make sure to use enough AI to control the estrogen from the test. You don't want to make fat loss harder than it has to be, if you had high estrogen. 

    Also, remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and you didn't get out of shape in 10 wks. You can make good progress in 3 months, but it may take longer than that to get the physique you envision. Be patient and learn to LOVE THE PROCESS. Be grateful for the decisions you can make toward your goal each day. Focus on the small victories and the war will win itself