ok bro, lets get to the bottom of this. you may know your way around the gym, but i'm not so sure you know your way around the kichen! muscle gain is about the 22 hrs we are not in the gym. i know what it is to be a hard gainer, believe me. if you really struggle to add mass, you just might need to eat an amount of food that your current mind set might consider INSANE! AAS will help add the muscle only if you feed it. if you have been to 180 before, it'll be easier to get there again, but staying there off of gear will be the real trick. of course you wont look as full, round and hard as you do when you're using, but you can do this. remember that this is all about steps/phases. if you are a real hard gainer, theres a good chance you wont get too fat, even with a super high cal diet. lets get you eating 5 solid meals a day, containing an anaimal protein at 50g and a good clean carb like brown rice, oats or sweet potato at 30-50 grams. i would also make sure you get a high amount of fats from olive oil, mac oil, omega 3 egg yolks, fatty fish and natural nut butters. i would shoot for 200g fat a day. on top of these meals, i would use a couple of shakes containing 50g whey iso, 50 g carbs from either oats or maltodex and 30g fat from natural peanut butter. watch your progress and you'll see if its too much. i dont think it will be though. use the mirror and progess pics. if you're eating enough, you will gain some fat in the process, but you dont have to get sloppy. this is just part of the process and if you want to make big gains, you have to put your ego to the side for a period of time. eat like this before the cycle, during the cycle and after the cycle. if your BF goes up, reduce the carbs a little, but as long as you dont get overly sloppy, you can remove the fat later. everyone wants everything all in one shot, but it doesnt work that way. so this is phase 1. phase 2 will come a few months after PCT when your body has gotten used to the new muscle. thats when, if you choose, you could better reduce the BF without as much risk of losing new muscle. see, when you first make new gains, your body would much prefer to shed them because large amounts of muscle are not practical for your body to fuel. first change it gets, it will let it go.
sust 500mg EW
deca 300 to 400mg EW
dbol 30mg
PCT starts 3 wks after your last shot. test,deca, dbol is a tried and true classic. you should make some good gains off of this. split your shots into 2x wk