I haven't used Drol in some time now. It is a powerful drug, and it used to work well for me, but now days, I too feel more side effects than it's worth. I found that even 1 tab a day, is enough to destroy my appetite and give me headaches. So you were feeling these sides while taking 10mg??? That sounds very odd to me. If you were taking an actual bodybuilding dose and feeling these sides, I would suspect it were possibly related to BP, but on 10mg, I doubt it is that.
Just like any other aspect of the sport, everyone has different responses. Be it training, diet or drugs. And what once worked well, may not be the case a couple years later. At this point in the game, I would just look in other directions. There are a lot of good compounds out there, that will help you reach your goals. If the drol no longer agrees, there are plenty of other compounds to try. As it is, Drol is pretty harsh. You can make good gains while probably maintaining a higher degree of health using something else.