I'm going to start out by going way off on a tangent, but I won't forget about your question...
IMO, you're best off deciding whats most important, adding new muscle or getting lean? Then direct all of your energy toward that goal. It takes time to grow new muscle and it takes time to get lean. When guys decide to do a cycle that starts as a bulk and ends as a cut, they end up running in circles, a lot of times. I don't really like the word "bulk". So many times, that conjures up images of fat, sweaty guys, with big bellies and moon faces, using their bulk diet as an excuse to eat double cheeseburgers and ice cream every day.
I prefer the phrase "off season", although this may just be semantics. Some people might get the same mental picture with "off season" as I do with "bulk", but for me off season means there is an ON season, and that means all of my energy is going to be directed to having more muscle...more to work with, when ON season comes. I want more muscle, but I want to keep the fat in check. IME, there is no point in getting overly fat in off season. I eat enough food to grow. I keep the food highly anabolic. I do cardio. I keep my abs!!! With the right diet, all of this can be done in the off season. Sure, I look a little softer. Lines aren't as crisp. But I always stay in striking distance. This way, what I gain, I keep. I don't have to work as hard, restricting cals super low and doing so much mind numbing cardio, as I would if I had gotten fat.
Anyway, take that for what it's worth to you. As for your plan, honestly, there is a catch 22 with the start of your cycle. I see your logic, using the fast ester to kick start, but by keeping the CYP lower for the first few wks, it's going to take that much longer to reach it's peak concentration in your blood. I try not to over complicate things. Once you start taking the cyp, it will begin working and slowly building up in your system. Same with the Prop, only at a faster rate. If you want to get the best of both worlds, using a fast acting and slow actin test, why not consider using Sust? I've been digging the results I've gotten from GP Sust 270 in the last year. OR, run a combo of Cyp/Prop, through the whole cycle, breaking everything down into EOD shots?