Everyone is different. In the first several wks, I would expect to gain 8 to 15 lbs of fluid, depending on how much AI you are using. I would have to see your pics to determine how much of your gain is water, how much is fat, and how much looks to be developing into lean tissue. All you can do, is do your best, and your body will grow as fast as it will grow. If you find yourself looking lean still, outside of the added water weight, you can probably eat more. If you are at your limit for food intake, you'll find that adding more will turn more into fat than into muscle. Remember that you can utilize a lot more food on gear than you can naturally, so what was your natural limit for food intake, may now be increased. See how far you can push yourself and use progress pics every 2 wks, to look at the changes. And remember, not all cals are created equal.