The older we get, the less GH we produce. It's usually the older guys that see the best benefit from Growth Hormone. Keep in mind that GH isn't going to create dramatic physical changes to your body over night. With GH, it is an especially slow process. Think of it as a water drop falling into a bucket. If you stand there watching it, you won't see the bucket fill, but if you forget about it, go about your business, ect, then come back and look, you see that there has been progress. Thats not to say that you will get no effect from GH from the start. There are small cosmetic effects that you will notice, thicker hair, better skin, thicker finger nails, better rest at night. You'll probably also notice a better pump in the gym. Your body will be in a more optimal place for muscle gains but without adding steriods, the muscle gains won't be great, so keep this in mind. It sounds like you are ok with that, and if your test levels are already high, then more power to you, keeping your level where it is.
I would suggest using the best GH that you can afford. Hyge makes a good product. It costs more than the generic color top GH's, but not even close to the price of Pharm grade (which can run $1000's per month). For dosing, an HRT dose is between .8 to 2iu GH every day. For your needs, I would start with 2iu and see how do. I would inject it first thing in the AM, taken intramuscular with an insulin needle. If you need to "stretch" your stash out, due to cost, you can take it 6 days on, 1 day off. Or you can take it 5 days on, 2 days off. Of course, the more you are off, the longer it will take to show an effect.