Hey Connor,
Good questions. NPP, fast acting nandralone, is a great compound. I would not dose it higher than your test though. Just like deca, it can impact sexual function. It isn't as likely on NPP, but if you use more NPP than test, you're asking for problems. I would do around 400-500mg Prop EW and 350-400mg EW, both split into EOD injects. I would aslo use some adex to control estrogen and water. IF you were to have libido issues, caber at .5mg 2x wk would help.
As for your HCG, you do NOT want to use it during PCT. While taking HCG, your body is being forced to produce test, but it needs to learn to produce on it's own, without the "primer". So you will want to run it at 250iu 2x wk through the cycle and stop a few days BEFORE PCT starts.
I have used Toremifine once and didn't see it as being any better or worse than Nolvadex. My main cocern is that it is dosed well. I mainly see it available on these "research" chem sites and I don't trust that any of these places dose their products properly. I have seen blood work a number of times to show that these places often under dose. So I would much prefer real legit Nolvadex over reseach Toremifine, any day of the wk!