First time using GH

  • pegaso7
    First time using GH
    on: 2014-08-07 17:12:42
    Hi, it's gonna be my first time using HGH, i have been using other steroids for about a year or more but i've never really tried HGH because of that gut it gives you and i was wondering what would be a good dosage to start and avoid that gut or what would be your recomendation on using HGH for the first time and in the future, also from this website which one would you recommend.Thank you.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: First time using GH
    on: 2014-08-20 18:47:17

    I don't believe that GH is responsible for the guts that you sometimes see on stage. I believe that is more caused by insulin and high amounts of food. If gh is playing a role in this issue, it would be at high high doses. If you take 3-8iu ED, I don't believe you will see this problem. For me, gh alone makes my stomach smaller, tighter, ect. Its when I add insulin that I see my belly pop out. But watch your body. If you see changes that you don't want to see, back off the dose. 

    GH alone is not going to be a great muscle builder. You will want to add it to a steroid cycle in order to get the best results. The effect is slow, and will take months. I would use it for at least 6 months, more if possible. Start with 2iu and work your way up to the dose you can afford to run, adding .5iu every wk wks. For a first timer, 4iu or even 5iu should be enough to see good results with a cycle of test. It will also help you to maintain fullness while off of your gear. I would suggest hyge GH to get the best bang for your buck.