First cycle

  • anonymous921
    First cycle
    on: 2014-08-29 23:46:40
    I'm getting ready to order my first cycle and was wondering if you thought it was too much or had any advice to go a long with it. I'm 26 185lbs. My diet is like this 185g protein, 92.5g fats, 370 crabs. I don't count cals. I keep a food journal to stay on track. Wk 1-12 500mg Test E split into 2x week,Wk 1-4 Dbol 30g ed, wk 5-6 Dbol 40g edWk 1-12 arimidex .5 edWk 6-12 Proviron 50g edWk 14 clomind 100g wk 15-16 50g
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: First cycle
    on: 2014-09-16 05:34:21

    I don't think that it is too much overall, but I do think that with the Dbol, you could run 30mg all the way through and get good results. My first cycle was 15-20mg of dbol only and I gained 15-20 lbs in 6 wks. I'm sure that if I could do that with I wasn't even running test, you can make killer gains with 30mg of a good dbol like Geneza Pharm, along with 500mg test. 

    Other note, .5mg adex ED is going to be too much for most people. You need to have some estrogen available to help with the muscle gaining process. Everyone is differrent, but I think that starting at .5mg EOD and then seeing if you can lower it further, if needed.