injectable dbol dosage?

  • jarhead
    injectable dbol dosage?
    on: 2013-08-19 17:38:01
    have you used injectable dbol? i want to add to a test cyp tren mast cycle. How often do you pin and what is the dosage? I am 6'5 260 15%bfplan on running test 1000 per wk, tren 700 and mast 500...this isnt my first rodeo, just new to dbol oil.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: injectable dbol dosage?
    on: 2013-08-21 22:58:34

    yes, injectable dbol was popular awhile back, coming out of MX and has made a strong resurgence thanks to labs like geneza. dbol is a great drug for the off season, possibly my favorite oral. i'm an even bigger fan of the oil based injectable version. i feel that mg for mg, the injectable is stronger and better utilized by the body. i also find that i experience less negative effect on my appetite. i don't believe that you get as much of a preworkout boost from injectable dbol, as you would from something like TNE or susp, but i do prefer to take it about 2 hours before training as i think thats the ideal time to get it in your system. this compound is an every day injection. on nontraining days, i would just try to take it at a aimilar time of day. geneza has 2 versions. one that is 25mg dbol/75mg TNE. with this, i would combine it with oral dbol, taking 15mg oral in the morning, inject 1cc 2 hours before training, and then 10mg oral later in the evening. this will keep blood levels a little more stable and give you a nice boost of TNE preworkout.  i've gone this route and liked my experience a lot. i've also used the straight dbol inject at 50mg/cc. with this, i would simply take 1cc 2 or so hours before training, every day. combine either of these plans with your test, tren, mast and you will do very well with strength and mass.