Hey Bro,
I'm glad to hear that you've done so well. I love hearing this stuff!! As for your PCT, there is no need for PCT, if you are going back to HRT. As for what to do for your HRT, the key is just that you have your test levels in the high normal range. It doesn't matter what what method you use, gell, injection, ect. I think injects are easy, mess free and cheaper. Usually about 100-200mg EW is normal.
Personally, I like to switch esters from cycle to cycle. Maybe its bro science, but changing esters and gear seems to keep me from getting burned out with homeostasis. So if you ran sust, maybe run Test E or Cyp for your next cycle.
Couple your cyp with something like EQ and Dbol for the first 6 wks to get anabolic quickly. As long as the dose isn't too high on the Dbol and your sodium is under control, you shouldn't gain too much water from it. But remember, some water retention is good during your off season, muscel gaining phase. Here is how I would run this cycle
Test Cyp 500mg EW
EQ 4-500mg EW
adex, .25mg EOD (maybe more while on dbol if needed)
Dbol 30mg ED