Clenbuterol dosage?

  • NirZZZ
    Clenbuterol dosage?
    on: 2014-09-05 15:30:24
    Hi, I know clen is not an AAS but I didn't know where to post this...I am 22 years old, currently around 14-15% bf? could go down to about 13%...I've read quite a bit about clenbuterol and from what I understood there are 2 types of cycles:1) 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off2) 2 days on, 2 days off.Though from what I've seen you dose your clen at a 16 week cycle?Could you maybe tell me the correct dosage, and pill taking time (per day) for clenbuterol?and explain why?Thanks!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Clenbuterol dosage?
    on: 2014-09-27 05:41:24

    Over time, your body will get used to your dose and over time, it will be down regulated. Still this takes time and it isn't down regulated when you "feel" it less. The hand tremor is just a side effect. Side effects are not the effects! It will still burn fat, even when you don't feel it. Over time, it will just work less effectively as when you first started taking it. So, if you att 20mcg every 2 wks, you can continue to keep the compound working strong. 

    So herees my suggestion, start with 40mcg for men, and every 2 wks, incerase by 20mcg. Continue doing this until you reach 120mcg a day. From there, you can go on for another several wks. I would run clen for 12 wks to 16 wks max. 


    You can take your clen all together, first thing in the AM. If you find that you start to notice stronger sides at the higher doses, you can stagger your dose. FIrst thing in the AM, then a couple hours later, just to split it up a little to see if it helps. Most people are fine though