A couple of questions regarding first cycles

  • NirZZZ
    A couple of questions regarding first cycles
    on: 2014-09-12 10:19:41
    Hi, first off, thank you for taking time off your busy schedule to help us all out! I have a couple of questions regarding a first cycle (haven't fully decided if should or should not) which will help and benefit everyone.Stats:Age: 22Height: 1.71 metersWeight: 155 lbsBf: 14-15%First off i'll list my cycle and then the questions:Week 1-12:GP Test E 500 EW (monday,thursday)---GP Arimidex 0.5 * 3 times a week (sunday, wednesday, friday)---Pregnyl (Organon, Turksy) HCG injectable at 250iu * 2 times a week (monday, thursday)---Week 13,14:Pregnyl (Organon, Turksy) HCG injectable at 250iu - 2 times a week (monday, thursday)----Week 15:GP Chlomid at 100 ED----Week 16,17:GP Chlomid at 50 mg ED-------Now to the questions part:1)What would u say the optimal tine is to brgin your first cycle? At what age did you begin?2) Is 22 a good age to start cycling?3) what brand of HCG is the most reputable?4) Would u prefer HCG in a form of pill or injection, why?5) Would HCG and AI be crucial for a Test E only cycle? Many have told me if I cycle Test E only,there's no need for AI and HCG.6) I never understood how you use HCG, if you could please explain this to me, or refer me to an explanation video, I'd appericiate that!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: A couple of questions regarding first cycles
    on: 2014-10-07 04:29:42

    1. I would say the best time to start is after you at least know how to grow. Meaning, you should have gained a good base naturally. You know how to get muscle, for your personal body's needs and have been able to stay consistent with a diet for a year or more. There are some rare situations where a guy might be able to get all these things in order sooner and be able to maintain the lifestyle, from a quicker point, but usually, it takes at least a year or more, for guys to understand how to live the life, day in, day out. Plus you can make awesome beginner gains quickly with no gear at all. Why not get what you can naturally?

    2. 22 is about the earliest I would suggest starting. 

    3. I've used generic from china that has worked as well as name brand. I'm not picky about my HCG. If I were to pick a brand, Pregnyl is top of the line

    4. Real HCG is ONLY available as an injection. Due to the HCG diet fad, there are "HCG" supps on the market, over the counter, but they are not HCG, nor do they work like HCG does. Gotta get the real peptide and it can only be taken as an injection. Anything else is a waste of resources

    5. Any time you take ANY steroid, it will replace your natrural test production. Some cycles will be harder to recover from than others. HCG will help recovery from any cycle. The faster you recover, the more muscle you will keep and the better you will feel, faster. And as for the AI, I would want to use at least a small amount, to keep more of your test from converting to estrogen. Test levels will be higher and you be able to protect from estrogen related sides. Some are more sensitive than others and require more. .5mg 2x to 3x wk will be plenty. 2x should be good. 

    6. HCG is an analog of LH, luteinizing hormone, which singals your body to produce test. While on gear, your production stops. HCG will help you to continue producing through the cycle and make the transition into coming off, easier. It will also keep the testes from shrinking. The smaller they are, the less test you can produce