changing my hgh plan ?

  • anonymous650
    changing my hgh plan ?
    on: 2014-10-17 15:30:38
    about 3 months ago. i asked for a hgh plan to incr. my size and appetite .I cant take AAS as i am season for my sport which tests (college).You suggested 2iu hgh am them cjc no dac, and ghrp-6 2times a day spred out 6 hrs apart.I have been on this 60 days. stay the course or incr hgh to 3-4 iu ??I am not loosing in the rigors of pract. and play but I want to gain as soon as we go pout of season in a couple weeks ?THANKS FOR YOUR GUIDANCE !!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: changing my hgh plan ?
    on: 2014-11-12 05:24:12

    GH isn't going to be a great muscle builder on its own, so don't expect a ton. Adding a couple more IU would incresase the effect to some degree. Still, don't expect to gain 10 lbs in a year, running peptides alone, with no anabolics. It will however, possibly help with injuries and injury prevention. You may have also noticed a few lbs of water gain. This isn't going to hurt either, as long as it isn't so much that it slows you down. And GH will also keep you leaner, allowing you to eat more, if you want to gain muscle. It'll be less likely to turn into fat. 


    So, if you are using 2iu now, start by increasing to 3iu. Then, in a couple wks, 3.5iu, then in a couple wks, 4iu. Take your time increasing the dose.

    If you wanted to take it further, IGF-LR3 at 30mcg, taken right before your workout will help even more with muscule gain, taken on weight training days