
  • paul
    on: 2013-09-01 15:05:34
    Female/170/good shape/6', show. in 2 to 4 months, wants to build a bit of lean/lose excess, please advise safer supps/lowest sides thank you
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: prep
    on: 2013-09-04 18:31:24

    of course, the foundation is your diet, cardio, training and rest. the supps are only going to add a small percent of changes. recently, i answered a question about what AAS i would suggest for a female. if you take a look through the more recent questions, you'll find it. i tried to outline the potential risks. it'll be up to you to decide if those risks are worth it to you. if you decide to go that route, look into as much info as you can and be informed because some of the side effects can stay with you for the rest of your life. i understand you are competing, but i have no idea what division you are in. if you are in bikini, i would not suggest using AAS. if you are doing figure, i think it could go either way. it depends on how much muscle you already have. for physique or BB, in an open show, i would say AAS are worth more serious consideration. it is not a prerequisite, but it will help you be more competitive.

    as i've mentioned before, these drugs will not burn fat and get you lean. if you are interested in an extra boost in that direction, clen and possibly T3 would be two powerhouses that will add to the work you put into your diet and cardio. i would start with 40mcg of clen and add 20mcg E2W, leveling off at 80mcg and staying there, into the show. for T3, i would start with 25mcg and every 2-3 wks, add 12.5mcg, going no higher than 63.5mcg. i would run T3 for no longer than 12 wks total and when you come off, tapper back down over a 2-3 wk period of time. i would time it so that i was still taking it into the show, but only at 25mcg. T3 can make you very flat at high doses and may take away from your overall look on stage. i would suggest these drugs for any division.

    another drug to consider is nolvadex. this drug acts very different in women than it does in men. it will help her to harden up and shed fluid retention. this is not a steroid but will effect estrogen levels and can cause steroid like side effects. also, i believe the chance of side effects from AAS goes up while using it in conjunction with nolva. i would suggest this for figure, physique and FBB. i would start it at 8 wks out, using 10mg ED. at 4 wks, i would consider going up to 20mg ED but be careful. you dont want to look too hard, going into a figure show. 

    finally, i would suggest GH. this is a great tool for females, as it has nothing to do with estrogen and testosterone. you can use this free of worry about those types of side effects. even a very low dose of 2 IU a day can help with fat loss and muscle retention/gain. it is also great at improving the quality of your hair, skin and nails. it's been proven to reverse wrinkles...what lady doesnt like the sound of that!! haha. i would suggest taking 2IU, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, ideally before doing fasted cardio. the effects are slow and GH requires longer term use to see solid results. i wouldn't use it for less than 3 months. more ideally, i would stay on it for LIFE! if you choose to use 3 or more IU, split it into the AM dose and again 6 hours later, between meals. 


    hope this info helps give you some direction. for GH, i would suggest the Hyge's Naps carries and for everything else, geneza has a solid, dependable product line and will get you where you need to be. best of luck with your show. work hard!